EVANSVILLE — Many people purchase a firearm to keep themselves and their family safe, but the guns face a distinct threat of their own: thieves.
Data from the Evansville Police Department's crime map shows just how commonplace it is for officers to receive a call about a stolen firearm. Between July 2021 and June 2022, EPD received at least 100 reports of a gun being stolen, the records show.
Firearm safety advocates and police say gun theft contributes to the violence plaguing many American cities, including Evansville. EPD spokeswoman Sgt. Anna Gray said locally stolen firearms frequently resurface during criminal investigations.
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In at least one case, police in Chicago contacted the EPD to report that a gun stolen in Evansville was recovered inside a stolen vehicle in Chicago, she said. But guns stolen in Evansville more frequently turn up within the city or in nearby Henderson, Kentucky.
Guns in America are a hot-button issue, but advocates say reducing the number of stolen firearms is a problem people on both sides of the gun debate can work to address.
On one day in June, three people called police to report their handguns had gone missing.
According to EPD incident reports, a woman called police at 8:33 a.m. on June 20 to report her 9mm Canik T9 handgun had been stolen from her home while she was on vacation. Three-and-a-half hours later, another woman reported her 9mm Ruger pistol was missing from her vehicle, and one-and-a-half hours after that, yet another caller reported she'd had a 9mm Ruger stolen from a car.
These incidents are far from rare, according to Gray, who has worked many stolen firearm cases over the years.
She said the EPD routinely investigates firearm thefts from cars and homes and, on average, reports of these thefts total about 100 per year in Evansville.
"Sometimes people are a little embarrassed, because they don't want to call and report it," Gray said. "But we always tell people, you know, things happen — please report it, because otherwise we're not going to know."
Gray said the thieves, often teenagers, know it's risky to hold onto a stolen gun, and that's why the firearms are frequently sold on the street and can end up being recovered hundreds of miles away from the city.
"By the time we recover a gun, it has probably changed hands multiple times," Gray said. "It's kind of just one of those crime of opportunities, because we may have had like 10 other thefts of vehicles that night, and maybe only one or two had guns stolen."
The EPD advises local gun owners to keep firearms in their car only when they have to, such as when visiting a building that prohibits firearms. If you do have to keep a gun in your vehicle, Gray said it's vitally important to make sure it's out of sight and, ideally, locked away.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) says gun owners should have control of their firearm at all times, and when one can't directly oversee the gun, it should be "placed in locked storage and out of sight."
The foundation advises owners to never leave a gun in a car where a child or pet could accidentally discharge the weapon. In a gun safety guide published by the NSSF, the foundation said storage devices designed for keeping guns safe inside a vehicle should be used whenever possible.
"A lockable gun case or a lock box may be the most practical choice to securely store a gun in a vehicle," the Firearms Safety in Vehicles guide states. "These come in a range of prices and models."
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EPD agrees, but Gray advises gun owners to only keep firearms inside their car unattended if other alternatives aren't available.
"If for whatever reason you have to leave your firearm in there, always keep in mind when you're leaving it in there," Gray said. "And make sure it's locked."
One common misconception is that a firearm owner can get in trouble if their gun is stolen. Gray said this attitude is incorrect and causes some people to be hesitant about reporting a theft. In most cases, the EPD actually tries to return a stolen firearm to its rightful owner.
When police find a stolen gun, the first step is to run the serial number through a police database, Gray said. If the owner supplied the gun's serial number when the theft was reported, the EPD can use it to try to return the firearm.
Saving the serial number and providing it to police in the event a gun is stolen also helps police track stolen firearms that are used in the commission of a crime.
"The biggest thing is a lot of people lose track of their serial numbers," Gray said. "I always say, write down your serial number. And if you can attach a picture of your handgun or anything about your handgun, write it down and keep it in a safe place. So if your gun is ever stolen, you can show it to the officer."
Multiple studies have found that firearm thefts from vehicles have increased over the past two decades as more people purchase guns and keep them inside cars. Gray said Evansville gun owners should think twice about plastering gun-related bumper stickers all over a vehicle if one plans to keep a firearm inside.
"If you travel or you're going to leave your firearm in your car, don't sticker it up and advertise that you have a weapon in there," she said.
Houston Harwood can be contacted at walter.harwood@courierpress.com with story ideas and questions.