On top of the world: How to create a roof garden 

2022-07-23 02:46:03 By : Mr. baoquan zhang

Now that summer's finally in full swing (this weather is here to stay, right?!) it’s a luxury to have an outdoor space to soak it all up in. It’s even more luxurious if that space is at a height. 

I can’t quite articulate why, but there’s something about being up high and gazing down at everything around you that brings a sense of peace and satisfaction like no other. 

Right now, rooftop bars around the country are overflowing and every trail in Ireland is crammed full of enthusiastic hikers. Well, no need to queue outside busy bars or sweat your way up a mountain — here’s how to get that high right from the comfort of your home.

For starters, you’ll need a flat roof somewhere, and you will need to make sure it’s load-bearing. If you have a garage or an extension with a flat roof chances are it will be, but please triple-check this first so you and your deck chair don’t end up crashing through the ceiling! Your title deeds or a structural engineer’s report should have the information you need. 

If you’re planning or in the midst of a renovation, now is a good time to make sure that any flat roof you’re building will be able to take the weight of the people and items it will need to hold. In my case, my rear kitchen extension provided the perfect flat roof for me to build a little urban roof garden on.

Next, you will need access to this flat roof. Again if you’re pre- or mid-build, consider a large window that slides or opens fully. In my case, I installed the largest sliding window into my dormer extension that planning permission would allow. This lets me clamber out rather clumsily, which I have overcome by getting a foldaway ladder from a chandlers yard. 

This hooks onto my windowsill and lets me hop gracefully out onto my roof. More importantly, it means I don’t step on any shingles on the way out. If direct access isn’t possible, you may need to consider a ladder or a more permanent stairs structure to access the space from outside. 

I take no responsibility for safety here — assess your space and determine the best way to provide safe access and to prevent falling!

Once you’re able to get out onto your roof, you’ll want to put down something nice to stand or sit on. An important thing here is to maintain drainage. Your roof is imperceptibly sloped to allow rainwater to run off it, so make sure whatever surface you put down will not get in the way of that. 

I went for artificial grass because I wanted to be able to lie out on it and to have greenery (albeit fake) to look out on from my bedroom window! Decking flooring would also work great here. Ensure any flooring is firmly secured — it can get windy up there and you don’t want your garden to blow away!


As always, the key to creating the perfect space is to first figure out how you want to use it — here are some criteria to help. 

First, decide whether it is easily accessible and whether safeguards are in place — if so, you might like to use it as a space to entertain or dine out. If not, or if access is through a private bedroom for example, you may want to keep it more private to avoid lots of people passing through. 

Second, consider the light — would it be better for enjoying a morning coffee and a stretch, or a relaxing space to lie out in in the evening? If you’re an avid gardener this is even more important as light will dictate your planting options. Consider safety here again — just be smart, don’t put a ping pong table up there because diving off a roof after a plastic ball is not a fun way to spend an afternoon. 

Finally, consider privacy — you may be overlooked or overlooking others. Planning may restrict you from installing fencing or balustrades, so instead opt for items that will shield you without blocking your neighbours’ light or views. Plants, glass balustrades, or low fencing that allows some light through (such as bamboo) are some good options. Check with your local planning authority first.

Once you have landed on how to build the space and what to use it for, you’ll want to get it looking perfect. Some ground rules first and foremost — don’t keep anything up there that will easily blow away. 

Plant pots, chairs, cushions etc all need to be firmly weighted down (ensuring the weight is below the loadbearing threshold!) lest they crash into your neighbour’s garden one blustery afternoon. Another crucial item to consider is whether you can actually get the items that you want onto the roof — will you physically be able to carry an outdoor couch up there and will it fit through the access point? 

I prefer low, cosy furniture such as those roll-up kapok mats with triangle pillows that anyone who has ever been to Thailand drags home with them. In my roof garden, the only permanent items are some plants (artificial because I kill everything else). 

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Everything else I keep stored under my ottoman bed and carry out as needed — floor cushions and a picnic blanket to lay out on during sunny afternoons; some durable plates and cups that I don’t need to worry about dropping and breaking when carrying them in and out; a low laptop tray that I can work on during summer afternoons; and sometimes my projector which I beam onto my bedroom blind for summer movie nights. 

Putting up some fairy lights can add a magical element to your summer evenings — I recommend solar-powered LEDs. Just make sure they’re nailed down!

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