We Stay Here!- Sharper than the sword

2022-08-08 07:52:14 By : Ms. Zoe Jiang

This ode to Mohammed Rabbae was recited this afternoon during the janazah (funeral) meeting in Mosque Al Amal in Hilversum.Yesterday our beloved and esteemed brother and regular mosque visitor, Mohammed Rabbae, returned to his Creator.To Allah we belong (…)For years I've been training myself to fit in with the present.Only the present and nothing else.The past has come and gone for me and cannot change.Nor could it be changed when it was ever present (…)Written by Samira I. Ibrahim and Wietske Merison.Through a series of articles, they pay attention to Saïda Franken's unique vision of art and creativity, as well as to the work she produces.What is Saïda currently working on (…)Written by Samira I. Ibrahim and Wietske Merison.Through a series of articles, they pay attention to Saïda Franken's unique vision of art and creativity, as well as to the work she produces.You teach a teacher (…)The 25 Prophets in the Quran' is a story, art and activity book.It has 140 pages and is a weighty book (892 grams), quite sized (297×210 cm) and 14 mm thick.The prophets are presented to the children, . . .What we have seen and continue to see in Afghanistan in recent weeks is the result of decades of interference by foreign powers.Over the past 40 years, the major and regional powers abused various factions in Afghanistan as (…)Do you believe the game?That there are two worlds of good and evil, West and East, vaccine or not?That my Sufi master is the epitome of goodness and Enlightenment, or that your scholars possess the saving means of discernment to discern (…)In 2019 and 2020 there was a political discussion about the presence of Willem Alexander and Maxima during the G20 summit in Saudi Arabia.A number of political parties called on the royal couple not to travel to the country, (…)You can now automatically become a donor from the age of 18, unless you notify the donor register otherwise.If you do not pass on anything, it will be stated in your file that you have “no objection” to organ donation.After death, organs and (…)Does demonstrating make a difference and how do you make protesting meaningful?Or do demonstrations also have other goals….With: Ahmet Erdogan |Mohammed el Baroudi (Sidi) |Ebru Aydin THE ROUND TABLE is the current affairs podcast of (...)TU Delft has recently decided to offer only vegetarian food in the canteens.Should we all eat more vegetarian food or is TU Delft crossing a border here?With: Jilani Sayed |Ebru Aydin (…)Interview with Saïda Franken, by Samira I. Ibrahim and Wietske Merison According to the artist and co-founder of Salaam Art (salaam-art.nl), Saïda Franken, creativity can make an important contribution to this process of reflection and approaching God.The name Salaam (…)What about political campaigns on social media?Many parties nowadays also conduct their campaigns on social media, but this is always fair.What if a party has more money to spend, so can create more paid content?(…)Are you already a Friend of We Stay Here!?