Partly cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 68F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 68F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
There are two types of SUVs: those that allow a 4-foot by 8-foot sheet of plywood to lay flat in the back and those that don’t.
Can you please tell the guys that review the vehicles to add this simple fact to their reviews? It’s OK if the plywood hangs out of the rear door on the way back from Home Depot, but the sheet has to lay flat and not scratch the heck out of the wheel well upholstery when you slide it in.
It’s a giant hassle visiting all the dealerships with a tape measure and/or a sample 48-inch-wide piece of plywood to see if it fits. I just read an SUV review and it’s full of useless facts about grill colors, logos, floor mats and nameplates.
Who cares? Does the sheet of plywood fit or doesn’t it? — Frank
I’m afraid you’re in the minority these days, Frank. Very few people carry 4x8 sheets of plywood anymore. If they need some 4x8 sheets of plywood, they’ll have them delivered. Unless you’re in the plywood pilfering business, Frank, in which case I guess delivery is not an option.
Seriously, even contractors will often have plywood delivered to job sites now rather than load and unload it themselves. So, most SUVs aren’t designed to carry a flat sheet of plywood. Only the biggest, full-sized rigs based on pickup trucks will do that, along with some minivans with two rows of seats removed.
But because you took the time to write, I went back over the last 10 vehicles we reviewed on our website,, and have added, below, the information you’re looking for — whether these vehicles will carry a 4x8 sheet of plywood in the back:
So, you can cross those off your shopping list, Frank. Good luck.
Got a question about cars? Write to Ray in care of King Features, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or email by visiting the Car Talk website at
© 2022 by Ray Magliozzi and Doug Berman
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